Monday, June 23, 2008

michelle is the new laura

i generally try to stay away from blogging about the current president (i feel there are no words that can explain the way i feel like a roll of my eyes) but i often become excited when i think of what is to come. barack is so eloquent...sadly this reminds me of when one of my football player bf's professors told him he "spoke very well" (insert grimace), but it's true. i don't know if he writes his own speeches or not (sue me) but they are so quotable, so memorable, LHCF sig-worthy. LOL! and michelle...oh, don't even get me started on her. she reminds me of my mother in so many ways - beautiful, funny, flyy. so many first ladies are arm candy more than anything else, but she is not afraid to show that she has a mind of her own. honestly, what other first lady (besides hillary) is so amazing that she has hecklers of her own?! i love it.

now the REAL point of this entry: i was doing the blog roll this afternoon and got to afrobella, a really well-written blog that i have neglected to visit for the past three days or so (sorry!), but that made her entries that much better to read. an entry of hers from the 20th celebrating bella bloggers (check it out here) mentioned, and i decided to check it out. on afrobella's recommendation i read the post entitled "On First Ladies Named Michelle" and was blown away. not to sound facetious but i have always considered myself a pretty worldly person, but i learned a lot (and admittedly felt a bit embarrassed for not knowing before) about these lovely ladies named michelle who just happen to be first ladies. they all have something in common: not only are they happily married to some pretty powerful guys, but they hold their own. another michelle that i now admire is michelle fenty, first lady of the district of columbia. can you say fierce? she is gorgeous, and unlike many women she is not afraid to talk about her favorite clothing labels and the like. this chick rocks.

if there is another michelle that you wanna shout out, please let me know. i really think it's a funny coincidence. i am off to read up on the michelles of the world - there is a great list of related articles at the bottom of her post. enjoy!

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