Thursday, July 31, 2008


one of my goals was to whip my skin into shape by 7/31...looks like that's an epic fail. this retin-a just isn't working as fast as i thought - that 6 weeks crap was BS. through my own exhaustive research (meaning LHCF and i found out that most people say give it at least 9 weeks, if not 12, to see results. this must be right cause i am in week 7 and i have cystic acne for pretty much the first time ever. i'm beyond frustrated, and when i get frustrated i touch my face, which makes things even worse. my main goal for now is to stop doing that; i seriously cut down in the last 4 or so days and my face looks better (less redness) but a 75% reduction isn't enough for me. did you know skin picking can be a symptom of OCD?! i used to joke about that since i sort my skittles and m&m's, but wow. well i refuse to go on medication for anything else, so cold turkey seems to be my best option.

-sigh- ok, next goal is 8/31. i go back to the derm on august 11th, so i hope i will have something fruitful to add then.

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