hey guys, it's been a while...but that means i have lots of updates! on december 5th i was in a serious car accident, and i was hospitalized for most of december...needless to say, my hair was the least of my worries. my hair became matted while i was in the hospital, and i didn't even realize it between being drugged up and not looking in a mirror for about 2 weeks...i went in with a 2 week old dominican blowout and ended up with a shrunken, matted fro. i was able to convince my parents (who pretty much took up residence in my room) to detangle and two-strand twist my hair, but even with that i am pretty sure i lost some length. at least i have my health...i am now at home recovering (and so is my hair, in box braids installed by my cousin). i did find some pictures of my hair from the end of november when i experimented with pin curls on my camera. they came out pretty decent, if you ask me!
sorry guys, but i will have to post pics later...i just got really sleepy all of a sudden. consider this a teaser post!
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