Saturday, April 18, 2009

"that thing is HORRIBLE!"

my mom did a pop-up visit today...kinda weird, but hey. while she was here, we were talking hair (i'm dragging her through my hair care journey) and she was SO happy to get the chi silk infusion that i pilfered from the house back. i'm so glad she recognizes the need for a heat protectant! she had called me last week and told me she was flat ironing her hair, which boggled my mind because i had the solia with me. turns out she used the cheap old andis that we have from way back when. i was so incredibly stupendously happy when she told me "i threw that thing out, it is HORRIBLE!" it just thrills me that she and my sister are picking up on my hair practices. i can't wait to get back home and take progress pics for my sister; her growth and retention has been amazing.

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